March rush

March has swept by in a blur. Thankfully, it’s been a pretty wonderful blur 🙂

Photo of Suzee & Paul Grilley from

I spent the last seven days in an amazing workshop on yoga anatomy at Semperviva Yoga on Granville Island with Paul & Suzee Grilley. Paul and Suzee have been mainstays in my yoga practice for years through their Yin Yoga DVD and it was incredible to meet them. They are fantastic presenters and the week-long workshop contained so many mind-blowing moments.

One of the huge highlights was a lovely sun-warmed practice yesterday afternoon where Suzee led us through the infant series. I’d done the infant series from their Yin Yoga DVD many times before, but, of course, it’s always better in person!

March has also been wonderful in terms of new opportunities with Vancouver Corporate Yoga and Body Harmony Yoga. I’ll be teaching a regular private class with Vancouver Corporate starting in April and will be taking on three (!) classes a week with Body Harmony. I’ve updated my schedule to show all the classes I’ll be teaching.

The Vancouver Corporate classes aren’t open to the public, so if you’re interested in bringing yoga into your workplace, contact Sunny to arrange sessions.

Given that the last Friday of the month is just a few days away, I’m starting to think about the long relaxation session I do in my 6:30pm yin yoga class at Bound Lotus on the last Friday of every month. If this rain keeps up, we might be visualizing sunshine stretching through our bodies during that yoga nidra!