Be mindful when attempting any of the poses or practices outlined on 2nd Avenue. Use common sense and listen to your body – you are your own best teacher!
2nd Avenue does not provide medical advice
Any guidance given on 2nd Avenue is not meant to replace medical advice or an in-person class with a qualified yoga teacher; it should be used only as a supplement if you are under the care of a health care professional. While I’ve taken care in compiling this site, we can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from your yoga. When you are unsure of any aspect of the practice or feel un-well seek medical advice or the expertise of a qualified yoga teacher.
Stay away from pain & honour your body’s limits
If a pose or practice causes you pain, move out of the pose mindfully but quickly. Do not push or strain into any pose and recognise that not all poses are for all people.
Use extra caution if you are pregnant or have serious health concerns
If you are pregnant or have serious health concerns (such as joint injury, recent surgery, epilepsy, diabetes, or any cardiovascular diseases – especially high blood pressure), please discuss your intention to practice yoga with your health care professional.
Links to other sites
2nd Avenue links to third-party website that will take you off this site. Linked sites are not under our control and we are not responsible for the contents of any linked site; linking to a website does not express or imply any endorsement of any third-party products or services.