Initial list of meditation music

A selection of music I like for meditation; see the Meditate page for the full list.  Click on the iTunes button to purchase a specific song.

  • Aad Guray by Deva Premal Aad Guray - Dakshina
    For protection and clarity. Some people chant this mantra before driving or in other situations where they need protective energy. This version makes me feel as though I’m standing in a glorious cathedral and immediately calms me.
  • Adi Shakti Namo: Your Primal Power by SatKirin Kaur Khalsa Adi Shakti Namo: Your Primal Power - Universal Mantra
    Upbeat and energizing. Also know as the First Shakti Mantra, it helps remove fears and focus on what really needs to be done.
  • Gobinday Mukunday by Snatam Kaur Gobinday Mukunday - Prem
    To help move through difficult situations. I affectionately think of it as the “Git ‘er done” mantra, although it’s much more peaceful than that label implies.
  • Ong So Hung by Guru Singh Ong So Hung - Volume One
    Great before bed meditation. I find it completely relaxes me and sometimes even puts me to sleep… it’s my secret weapon for conquering jet lag.
  • Ra Ma Da Sa by Snatam Kaur Ra Ma Da Sa - Grace
    Wonderful restorative kundalini mantra. When someone I love needs some healing, I’ll chant this mantra and send my energy to them… at least it makes me feel like I’m doing something!